
27 January 2015

How you can help?

Category: Strony (EN)

Fundacja Dzieciom Zdążyć z Pomocą

I am a charge of the Foundation for Children “Zdążyć z Pomocą” (“Help on Time”)

Fundacja Dzieciom "Zdążyć z Pomocą"
ul. Łomiańska 5, 01-685 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 833 88 88


My dream is to be able to walk in the future on both legs. I will have the Ilizarov apparatus attached to my leg approx. 4-5 times. Each fixator costs PLN 20,000. There are also the costs of commuting from Gliwice to Poznań and the costs of rehabilitation. At present, we don’t know yet what will be the costs of hand surgery. The doctors first need to say if there is any chance of improvement.

Unfortunately, the surgeries are very expensive, so I am counting on you to help raise the entire amount for my treatment.

If you would like to help, you can donate to my account at any time. Information can be found below.


International transfers:

Alior Bank S.A.:
IBAN: PL42 2490 0005 0000 4600 7549 3994
Transfer title: 21070 Stępień Jakub - darowizna na pomoc i ochronę zdrowia 
(donation for help and health care)


Thank you all for your help.

Foundation for childeren “Zdążyć z Pomocą”

Fundacja Dzieciom Zdążyć z PomocąFundacja Dzieciom “Zdążyć z Pomocą”
ul. Łomiańska 5, 01-685 Warszawa

Alior Bank S.A.:
42 2490 0005 0000 4600 7549 3994

In payment title please write:
21070 - Stępień Jakub - darowizna na pomoc i ochronę zdrowia.
(donation for help and health care)


Jakub Denys - Kilka słów o mnie i mojej chorobie

My name is Kubuś. I was born in 2013 with a rare congenital defects syndrome - fibular hemimelia and undeveloped left hand.

I dream that one day I will be able to walk, run, ride a bike and enjoy life like other children.

I just want to be independent. It will be impossible without your help.

Thank you all for your help.